After Hours

After Hours, Weekends, Holidays.

During the week one of our doctors will be available to you after business hours. First call the answering service at (248) 288-1892 and they will direct your call. Do not be surprised if they sometimes give you the doctor’s home phone to call them. Please only use this number when you have been directed by the answering service. If the doctor is on their pager, they will routinely call within the hour. If they have not done so, call the answering service again, sometimes due to human error a phone number might be given to the wrong doctor.

On weekends and holidays, our doctors cross-cover with another practice. On these days you may get a return call from the other practice.

We ask that you use good judgment and consideration when calling after hours. We will gladly respond to your emergency situation to give you direction on how to care for your child. Remember, antibiotics are only given when necessary and when the child is seen.

In the case of a severe emergency, call the local fire and rescue service (911) or go to the nearest hospital where immediate care is available. The hospital will contact us when you give them our name.